Who is therapy for? 

For children, teenagers, adults, couples and families.

Psychotherapy, Art Therapy and Psychogenealogy in Valbonne

Following therapy allows you to successfully adapt to events, to society, to your environment, with the aim of getting out of suffering.
SLB Psychology is three methods to offer you a broad approach to therapy: Psychotherapy, Psychogenealogy and Art Therapy to guide you, at your own pace, towards a more balanced and fulfilled life.

Psychotherapy to Heal Trauma by Freeing the Word

 What is psychotherapy

Psychotherapy is a powerful approach to mental and emotional healing. What we work on in therapy is how you experienced an event. 
Indeed, the same event is perceived differently depending on individuals. Likewise, it causes different reactions from one person to another. What interests us is
your feelings. Therapy helps you understand why you experienced this event in this way. This work allows you to escape from your suffering and sadness.

 How does psychotherapy work

Psychotherapy is organized around face-to-face consultations with the therapist. During our sessions, I listen to your suffering, your discomfort, your sadness, your uneasiness.

With gentleness and understanding, energy and joy when necessary, I ask questions to lead you to find for yourself what you have inside. Sometimes it is very carefully hidden deep inside you, like in a box closed with a heavy padlock. 

This questioning makes it possible to make perceptible what was until then of the unconscious order. With confidence, you can put aside what is bothering you, stopping you, making you suffer.

Little by little, by verbalizing them, you become aware of things.

When you are ready, I will accompany you to break the lock and open this box in order to free you from your suffering and/or get you out of your inadequate behaviors.

You learn how to live with your traumatic experiences without ever letting them hold you prisoner or decide for you again.

 What does psychotherapy treat? 

Traumatic experiences trigger different reactions and pathologies. 

I support you during psychological distress, deep sadness, burnout, depression, romantic breakup, relationship problems, identity building during adolescence, child behavioral disorders, integration difficulties, need for family therapy.

In psychotherapy, it is not about erasing trauma. This is impossible. It is rather a matter of taming it, of surrounding it, of understanding it (which comes from the Latin cum prisere: “to take with it”) in order to learn to live with it, without suffering from it.

Art Therapy to Facilitate Expression through Artistic Creation

What is art therapy?

Art therapy is a therapeutic approach that uses artistic creation as a means of expressing emotions and reflecting towards healing. It draws on the creative process to help you explore your inner thoughts, to understand yourself better. It helps resolve emotional and psychological blockages. 

Artistic expression allows you to put down painful things. It’s another way of loosening tongues: your unconscious speaks through art.

Art therapy can take many forms, including painting, drawing, sculpture, writing, dance, music and poetry. It can be used individually or in groups and is suitable for various therapeutic needs.

In my opinion, it’s a wonderful tool that delivers stunning results!

How does an art therapy session work

I adapt the protocols to you and the needs you express during our first meeting. Then, I make you work and create with clay, drawing, collages. There is no need to be a talented artist, as the focus is on the creative process rather than the aesthetic result.

During the creative process, you are invited to freely express your emotions, thoughts and feelings. This expression can be conscious or unconscious. It allows you to discover hidden aspects of yourself.

After creating, you look at it, you interpret what emerged during the session: the symbols, metaphors and meanings hidden in the work, always with the aim of clarifying blockages or limiting feelings. In conclusion, tongues are loosened thanks to artistic work.

What does art therapy treat? 

Like any therapeutic process, art therapy can be effective in treating a wide variety of situations. I list the most common benefits below but this list is obviously not exhaustive.

      Stress and anxiety management
Art therapy helps release emotions and reduce stress.

 Development of self-confidence
Art therapy promotes self-confidence by allowing one to express oneself authentically.

Treatment of depression
Art therapy can help express and understand feelings related to depression.

Trauma management
Art therapy can be used in the treatment of trauma by allowing the release of repressed emotions.

Improved communication
Art therapy can improve communication, especially in people who have difficulty expressing their emotions verbally.

Exploration of creativity
Art therapy encourages the exploration of creativity, which can be beneficial for personal growth.

Psychogenealogy to Understand Family Patterns

What is psychogenealogy?

Psycho-genealogy explores the links between your family history and your current emotions. 
The environment (family; bond to mother; bond to father; bond to siblings; bond to society) in which we grow up conditions our mental structure, our behaviors (reaction, objective and/or subjective perception in the face of events). Intergenerational family ties also have an importance, even an extreme influence, in our life behaviors.
Psycho-genealogy aims to shed light on our psychological heritage and its consequences on our behavior. It allows us to free ourselves from what does not belong to us.

 How do psychogenealogy sessions work

A therapeutic process exploring the links between your family history, your ancestors and your own mental and emotional well-being, psycho-genealogy takes place over several sessions. The most important: tell, search, find, analyze, understand the emotional charge of your tree, which you carry despite yourself.

       The initial interview
The first session often begins with an in-depth discussion between you and me. You share information about your family, your family tree, and any emotional issues or behavioral patterns you want to explore.

       Genealogical research
I suggest you undertake genealogical research to trace your family history. This may include data on ancestors, significant family events, family secrets, etc. Together we gradually draw your tree of life.

       Identifying patterns
Once the information is collected, I help you identify recurring patterns or family legacies that may be impacting your current life.

The main objective of psycho-genealogy is to create awareness of the links between the family past and your current blockages. By understanding these connections, you can begin to work on resolving emotional and therefore behavioral burdens.

       Therapeutic work
I then use various therapeutic techniques to help you resolve the emotional problems identified. This may include discussion sessions, art therapy, symbolic acts such as writing a letter to one's ancestors.

 What does psychogenealogy treat? 

Psycho-genealogy can help treat a wide variety of emotional and behavioral burdens. I list the most common below but this list is not exhaustive.
Any life difficulty, any behavior, can be questioned through the prism of psycho-genealogy.

      Anxiety and depressive disorders, by identifying family sources of stress or trauma.
      Relational problems, inappropriate behavior in family, couple, professional and social relationships.
      Addictive behaviors such as alcohol, drugs, games, sex.
      Management of grief and the trauma that may result from it.
      Improved self-knowledge, for a better understanding of one's identity through the family prism.

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